Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Serenity on a Breezy Friday morning
Serenity on a Breezy Friday morning
The thick clot of grey clouds hung on the dark sky due to the sun’s reluctance to illuminate its glowing lights, under little downpour, breezy and bit freezing, refreshment and refinement for these screwed up brains and fatigue souls were so much required.
To end up the weekly activities at school it was necessary to skip ourselves from the hustle and bustle after long arduous days within weekdays. And that Friday was proven to be the sacred day. Fridays are always the sacred and blessed ones.
On that glorious Friday with serenity and tranquility, we were split into two activities in two separated sessions. At the school hall, while teachers were attending their monthly spiritual program, what’s so called coffee morning in which Ustad Haekal would share his spiritual and beneficial sharing, at the mosque, students accompanied by teachers were assembling.
Being at mosque this feeling is always filled up with peacefully solemn and serenity. Taking fresh and crystal clear water for ablution to purify our body and soul from dirt was done as a start-up. Afterwards, two or four raka’ahs of Dhuha prayer believed with endless blessings was performed. Having done with Dhuha prayer, recitation of Surah Yaa-Seen and Tahlil were conducted. The tone of This Qur’anic recitation sounded like a heavenly melodious chanting. Neither musical instruments nor divas’ or divos’ voices could compare it. Particularly when it came to these magical verses,
“And We placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and caused to burst forth therefrom some springs. “That they may eat of His fruit. And their hands have not produced it. So will they not be grateful?” “Exalted is He who created all pairs from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.” (Q.S.Yaseen: 34-36). A glad tiding of hope is promised in these verses. And God never breaks His promise. It is such a deeply magical mind and soul - soothing.
The peak of all rundown, hearing a spiritual preach from Ustad Abdullah. In his preaching before the Jama’ah, he conveyed three messages; Stay grateful upon the blessings, Keep patience upon stumbling blocks and Stay steadfast upon planned willingness. These three messages are indeed more like a thirst quencher for thirsty souls. These soul strengthening messages were addressed to everyone particularly for the twelfth graders who are making their headway for series of school trials. For the sake of the future determinations, involve God in every breath taken and in every step made.
Well, My dear students… take your deep bow, say your best wishes, address your utmost invocation. And see, The All-Hearing and All-Seeing Allah will grant it. Everything is determined as it is beautifully prescribed in this verse: “His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, “Be”, and it is.” “So Exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you will be returned.” (Q.S.Yaseen: 82-83).
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